Welcome to my homepage at the Solar Physics Group of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (SPG @ IAA-CSIC), in Granada, Spain.
I share my research activities with both scientists and engineers and pursue a deeper understanding of the Sun from all three aspects of astrophysics, namely, observation, theory, and instrumentation.
Our interests embrace all manifestations of solar magnetism with special emphasis in the smallest scales and the coupling between the different layers of the solar atmosphere, the dynamics of the photospheric convection and its interaction with the magnetic fields, the radiative transfer of polarized radiation and the diagnostics derived from it, and the origin and behavior of the solar activity cycle.
Our group is engaged in several instrument developments: the TuMag magnetograph and tachograph and the SCIP spectropolarimeter for the third edition of the Sunrise balloon-borne observatory; the SO/PHI instrument, which is already flying aboard the ESA’s Solar Orbiter mission; INFACT, an electronic inverter of the radiative transfer equation for the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope; and PMI for the ESA’s Lagrange space weather mission. We are also involved in the development of the tunable imaging spectropolarimeters for the European Solar Telescope. If you click on the images to your right, you can visit my scientific profile, my scientific publications, and some photos from meetings and other events.